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November 24 - Anxious for Nothing - Why is it that what’s anxious, fearful, and negative is so loud? It certainly is what sells and what so many of us struggle with. As we prepare for Thanksgiving, Jesus has a great invitation for us: the power of gratitude. Come, and invite a friend, for a special Sunday of worship, testimony, and gratitude on Sunday in person at Girls, Inc. at 10 am and on-demand on Facebook and YouTube.
December 1 - Big Gifts / Small Packages - Waiting isn’t easy for any of us. Especially in our world of fast food, lightening-speed internet, and same day shipping, patience is hard to cultivate. When the deepest longings of our hearts go unmet, we can easily grow frustrated, dejected, or jaded. But could there be a purpose behind the waiting, something greater that God desires to do within and around us as we trust Him with our hopes and desires? Join us as we jump into our new Christmas series and explore how God can be at work in our seasons of waiting. Invite a friend and join us Sunday in person at Girls, Inc. at our ONE service at 10 am and on-demand on Facebook and YouTube.
December 8 - Big Gifts / Small Packages - Disruptions can be so… frustrating. There is a comforting sense of control that comes with having our schedules mapped out, having our lives planned to a T. That is, of course, until reality hits and we find ourselves standing face to face with the unexpected. But what if God has something far better waiting on the other side of our disrupted plans? Are we willing to not only accept what he wants to do - but joyfully embrace it? As we continue our Christmas series, we will discover the joy that comes with trusting God in the unexpected. Invite a friend and join us Sunday in person at Girls, Inc. at 10 am and on-demand on Facebook and YouTube.
Current Message Series
ordinary, imperfect people on a journey to follow an extraordinary God and His plan for our lives through practical teaching, meaningful music, and authentic relationships
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