Resilient under trial (James 1:1-12)

Winter can be hard. There are usually more cases of counseling in the winter than just about any other season of the year here in New Hampshire. But we can’t wish winter away. It always comes. …so do hard seasons in our lives. They come, whether we like them or not. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a choice. Struggles and suffering present a fork in the road – they can make us stronger or weaker, depending on how we respond. Find out how to practically engage difficult seasons Sunday, as we begin a brand-new series called “This Is What We Do". As we progress through this series, we’re going to look at practical, real-life applications to our faith lives that bring our spiritual life to the ground level. Bring a friend and join us in-person or online at either the 9am or 10:45am service, and let’s, together, put our faith into action.

Scott Kearney