Hope in the Dark: Do You See What I See?

Is there any hope? We can't help but ask this question when we get the doc's phone call, when we get fired, when our past haunts us, or a family member dies. Where do we turn when the chips are down? If God is capable of healing us, why does He not do it? Find out where real hope lies as we explore Jesus' power in this new series Hope In The Dark.

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Scott Kearney
Hope in the Dark: Forgiveness

Is there any hope? We can't help but ask this question when we get the doc's phone call, when we get fired, when our past haunts us, or a family member dies. Where do we turn when the chips are down? If God is capable of healing us, why does He not do it? Find out where real hope lies as we explore Jesus' power in this new series Hope In The Dark.

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Scott Kearney
Hope in the Dark: Fear

Is there any hope? We can't help but ask this question when we get the doc's phone call, when we get fired, when our past haunts us, or a family member dies. Where do we turn when the chips are down? If God is capable of healing us, why does He not do it? Find out where real hope lies as we explore Jesus' power in this new series Hope In The Dark.

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Scott Kearney
All In - Eliminating Excuses

We've all wanted to start new habits only to find certain excuses more convenient. "I can't go to the gym today, I'm too busy," or "I know I shouldn't eat that donut, but I don't want to be rude to the party host." What's your excuse? Is it possible that we've made excuses in our faith life that prevent us from experiencing ALL that God has for us? Find out here and how to fight our excuses by going ALL IN.

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Scott Kearney
#unplugged: Real Rest

Our culture is media and technology saturated, and if we're not careful it can run our lives. Find out how to put technology in its proper place and reclaim the life God designed us to live in a world of devices.

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Scott Kearney