Mental Peace - Isaiah 26 - MOTHERS DAY

The world is not a safe place. Turn on the news and you’ll find ample evidence. Every time we walk out the door, we take a step of calculated risk. Nothing’s guaranteed. This is the stuff that can fuel anxiety. And no matter how much progress we can make in science, economy, or technology to mitigate risk, none of these by themselves can kill anxiety.

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Brady Owens
Rest in Peace - Matthew 10:28

Death is not a pleasant subject to talk about. Most of us avoid it if we can. In our “pursuit of happiness” it rarely hits the “can’t wait to talk about it” list. Yet the chances of mortality are 100% for all of us.

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Scott Kearney
Sharing Disruptive Peace - 1 Peter 3:15

Our individualistic, western culture has trained us to keep our faith private and to merely coexist with others, as if what we believed most did not really truly matter in public life. But is that true? Should we keep what’s most sacred to us, truths we believe go beyond personal preference and choice, to ourselves?

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Scott Kearney
Soul - Deep Peace - Matthew 28:1-15 -EASTER

This Easter Sunday we're celebrating the RISEN SAVIOR who changed everything for us! Join us as we launch our Disruptive Peace series. We're going to be inviting everyone to welcome the disruptive peace of God into their lives, refusing to settle for false peace and learning to deal with what's hard to find - the lasting peace we desire. This week we move to two services -- 9:00am and 10:45am--Invite a friend and join us at 27 Burke St.

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Scott Kearney
Palm Sunday

What do you do when life is not what you expected? We thought marriage would be better, or at least easier. We thought parenting wouldn’t be so difficult. It gets infinitely harder when there is loss involved, loss of loved ones, loss of hopes and dreams, loss of health, etc. When we go through these unexpected disappointments or losses in life it is easy to look at God and wonder, “If you real, where are you? If you’re good, why is this happening?

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Scott Kearney
Anchored - Living in the Lions Den - Daniel 6

Let's be honest-we all like being liked. We love being loved. And with very few exceptions, we tend to avoid conflict at all costs. But what if the story we were created for, the life that is TRULY life, runs counter to the culture we find ourselves surrounded by? How will we react when pressure, resistance, and conflict arrive at our doorstep? Do we panic? Rage? Wave the white flag of surrender?

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Scott Kearney
Anchored - The Writing on The Wall - Daniel 5

“Should have known better.” Not a fun phrase to utter. Mostly because it comes on the other side of a bad decision. Sometimes a reckless decision. It’s said not when the information was lacking, or the opportunity to make a different decision was lacking. It’s said when all that was in place, and a poor decision was STILL made. Lot of pain on the other side of that statement. Should you know better? Are there decisions you’re about to make that will leave you saying this?

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Scott Kearney
Anchored - Humble Pie - Daniel 4

Many people in our culture have increasingly found themselves more and more distanced from organized religion. Who’s to blame them? Church-going people of faith are often portrayed as naive, bigoted, narrow-minded, anti-science, and other negative things. …and then there are those who call themselves Christians who back up these sentiments with the hateful things they say and their lifestyles that look no different from anyone else in our polarized, divided world. The result is an increasing polarization between those who wonder why the church would have any relevant value in their lives and those who are feeling threatened by secular culture. The question is not how to make religious gatherings relevant again, but how do real followers of Jesus reveal how incredible Jesus' life actually is and become so anchored in their faith in Him that nothing rocks their soul or their life of love for a world in need? Find out in our new series “Anchored” discovering how to develop a secure faith in a restless world. You may just find that the deep security we have in Jesus may propel us to a certain quality of life that will in turn grab the attention of a skeptical world.

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Scott Kearney
Anchored - Living by Conviction - Daniel 3

A little wind can blow a ship off course if it’s not ruthlessly directed by a compass and if the rutter isn’t holding steady to the course. Though many followers of Jesus might hold to certain doctrinal beliefs that doesn’t necessarily translate to a convicted lifestyle, as many professing Christians show no statistical difference in lifestyle areas such as gambling, getting drunk, lying, divorce, etc. Could it be that we think we’re heading in the right direction, but the wind has blown us off course because we’ve forgotten our compass and lost our rutter?

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Scott Kearney
Anchored - Fading vs. Lasting - Daniel 2:30-49

We wouldn’t trust our life on a ship that wasn’t seaworthy but we often trust our life to a kingdom that is not life-worthy. Puffing is a practice where exaggerated commendations are made for promotional purposes. Like any good salesman our culture will "puff" up what it's trying to get us to commit our life to. Not really lying but not telling us the truth either.

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Chris Brady