Resilient under trial (James 1:1-12)

Winter can be hard. There are usually more cases of counseling in the winter than just about any other season of the year here in New Hampshire. But we can’t wish winter away. It always comes. …so do hard seasons in our lives. They come, whether we like them or not. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have a choice. Struggles and suffering present a fork in the road – they can make us stronger or weaker, depending on how we respond.

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Scott Kearney
Habit Forming Principles

As we wrap up our series “Habits”, we’re going to define what a habit actually is and take an in depth look at godly principles about how to form habits that last and have a lasting effect. In particular, we’re going to look at the life of Daniel, some of his most powerful habits and how he formed them, and discover how they not only changed his life, but also a kingdom.

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Scott Kearney
Habit Forming in Community

We like to think that we're self-made, independent people, not influenced by peer pressure. The reality is that many of our daily habits are a result of the cultural norms around us. The question is not whether we're influenced by others, but WHO are you most influenced by? And are they helping you become all God has called you to become? Join us and discover the power of habits formed in community.

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Scott Kearney
Habits - Identity

Growth is not automatic. It’s hard. Ever wonder why it’s so easy to keep bad habits and so difficult to form good habits? Bad habits almost seem inevitable unless something changes. We know we’re overeating, but we reason, “I’ll work on that later.” We know we’re overspending, but we’ll get back on track in the new year. But odds are we’re going to keep doing the same thing, unless we make some critical changes.

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Scott Kearney
The Vulnerable (Luke 7:36-60)

Christmas is upon us and we cannot WAIT for our Christmas Eve Eve celebration! It’s not lost on us that we get to remember the eternity-changing gift God gave us in Jesus’ birth; that God wasn’t expecting us to come to Him …He came to us! And, because of that we’ve been given the free gift of salvation through Jesus. Is there any better news than this?

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Scott Kearney
The Hungry (Luke 14:15-24)

We can be invited to a lot of things, particularly in the Christmas season. How we respond to the RSVP typically reveals what we value. If we respond “no,” it most often demonstrates that we found something more important than going.

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Scott Kearney
A Life of Gratitude Psalm 103

When we lack gratitude or are actively ungrateful it produces fear and anxiety - because we focus on things we don’t have; it produces a complaining spirit - always dissatisfied; it leaves us drained expecting the worst; and it pushes us away from other people and from God. Join us and discover how to praise God for the amazing gifts that He has made available to us and commit to living a life of gratitude.

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Chris Brady
Initiative #2 - A Place For The Community (Acts 6)

If you’ve ever watched kids unwrap Christmas presents, it’s amazing to watch the raw, unfiltered joy they can display. But that joy can so quickly turn into a jealous “Mine! You can’t have it!” attitude towards any sibling who wants it. Though grumpy attitudes, entitlement, and isolation were never the intention of the gift giver, it can often be the result if the child is not coached.

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Scott Kearney