The Power of Faith (Joshua 3)

Time to Step in... We all want to see amazing things happen in our lives. But are we prepared to take the plunge that will prepare us for those amazing things? Risk-taking is not something we naturally gravitate towards, but miracles don’t often come on the other side of safe.

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Scott Kearney
The Barrier of Fear (Numbers 13-14)

What are you afraid of? Some of the top fears in our world today continue to be similar themes from years past: fear of failure, financial insecurity, disapproval, public speaking, loss of loved ones, and death. We could all relate to at least one of these.

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Scott Kearney
God's Love and Ours (Jonah 4:1-11)

Have you heard of the Good Samaritan law? It's "a legal principle that protects people who offer reasonable assistance to those who are injured, ill, in peril, or incapacitated." Its purpose is to take away any hesitation to help based on fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death.

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Chris Brady
The Mercy of Wrath (3:1-10)

As a kid, one of the ways we grow up is trying new things. We try new steps as we learn to walk, try new food as we learn to expand our pallet, we interact with new people as we expand our social skills, and try new sports as we explore our passions, athletic ability and team building.

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Scott Kearney
Runaway Believer (Jonah 1:1-4)

Phubbing. Heard of it? It’s defined as follows: “the practice of ignoring one's companion or companions in order to pay attention to one's phone or other mobile device.” Many identify it as the symptom behind ignored relationships, loneliness, anxiety, and even reckless driving and accidents.

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Scott Kearney
Relentlessly Growing (Revelation 3:14-22)

In the Western world, we live with an inordinate amount of abundance and convenience, historically speaking. When asked “Do you need anything?” Many of us often respond, “I'm all set, thanks.” And it may be true of many of us when it comes to our physical needs.

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Scott Kearney
Enduring Legacy (Revelation 3:7-13)

Why do we tend to quit so easily? Or simply look for escape from our challenges instead of dealing with them? You were going strong in your budgeting, eating, or reading rhythms …until you weren’t. And as excited as you once were, now you’re not only discouraged but feeling defeated.

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Scott Kearney