Alive or Dead? (Revelation 3:1-6)

Are you alive or just going through the motions? Zombies have become popular in our culture since the show The Walking Dead became popular. Zombies walk around and eat. From a distance they can appear alive but they really are dead.

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Chris Brady
Sexually Sane (Revelation 2:18-29)

What’s the big deal? If it makes me happy and it’s not harming anyone, who cares? Why can’t we all just get along? These questions are some of the most central questions around our American culture today when it comes to faith and sexuality. Tolerance is considered by many to be the main virtue.

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Scott Kearney
Love and Be Loved (Revelation 2:1-7)

Why church? Why does the church exist? Why does it matter? Why should people be a part of a local church…. These are great questions that many people are asking in our post-Christian culture. Both Christians and non-Christians alike.

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Chris Brady
Forgive us (Matthew 6:12)

Ever seen a kid who was angry and content to be so? “I’m grumpy and I’m gonna stay grumpy!” It’s almost comical to watch and it doesn’t do anything good for their emotional, mental, or relational well-being. Yet their resistance to let it go is strong.

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Scott Kearney
Give us Today (Matthew 6:11)

Are you the kind of person that goes to the grocery store often to get what you need each day or do you go to the grocery store occasionally and stock up on the things that you will need for the coming weeks?

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Chris Brady
Thy Kingdom Come (Matthew 6:10)

If you’ve ever watched a 5 year old soccer game, it’s pretty entertaining. Often they just form a pack around the soccer ball and lose track of where they’re supposed to go. It’s not uncommon for a kid or two to start taking the ball in the opposite direction and attempt to score on their own goal. Any sideline viewer can legitimately ask, “What team are these kids playing for? And which direction are they supposed to go?”

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Scott Kearney
Our Father (Matthew 6:7-9)

Odds are, you do pray. The vast majority of people admit to doing so recently, even atheists (no joke!). The question really is not whether or not you do, but what does it look like? And is it satisfying? Effective? Powerful?

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Scott Kearney
Stay Connected - Colossians 1:9-12

Summer is coming! Most of you are probably excited, maybe some of you are dreading it but no matter what, it's coming! Summer is a built in time every year to get away, to take time off of work, to go on vacation, to see distant family, to enjoy, rest and restore. It’s ok to check out a bit from work and school and the normal daily stresses but if we check out from God and his Church this Summer we will find ourselves going into the Fall stressed, discouraged, tired and disconnected.

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Chris Brady